- Produits
- Systèmes
- Capteurs
- Logiciels
- Accessoires
- Integration
La confiance, c'est bien, la certitude, c'est mieux!
Certification cohérente des laboratoires de mesure
Les machines à mesurer tridimensionnelles n'atteignent leur précision maximale que si la température, les gradients de température et l'humidité de l'air se situent dans certaines limites. Avec ZEISS TEMPAR, la surveillance complète de l'environnement de mesure est un jeu d'enfant. En effet, il mesure et enregistre toutes les valeurs pertinentes pour la précision sans aucune action de votre part.
Les avantages pour nos clients:
- Vue d'ensemble des conditions de mesure du local
- Enregistrement de la température ambiante, du débit d'air, de l'humidité de l'air et de la pression barométrique
- Avertissement sur la console si une valeur n'est pas atteinte
- Documentation historique et affichage du statut
- Correspondance des valeurs environnementales et des résultats de mesure grâce au lien entre TEMPAR et PiWeb.
Comprehensive monitoring of your measuring environment
Coordinate measuring machines provide highly accurate and precise results - but only if temperature, temperature gradients and humidity are within the limits specified by the manufacturer. Operators should not rely on the air conditioning or their gut feeling.
La température parfaite dans votre centre de mesure
Bon à savoir : la température dans le laboratoire de mesure est normalement de 20°C. Les fluctuations de température peuvent entraîner la dilatation ou la contraction des matériaux. Plus une machine à mesurer tridimensionnelle doit être précise, plus ces influences de température deviennent importantes. C'est pourquoi il faut toujours tenir compte des réglages prédéfinis pour la machine à mesurer ainsi que pour la classification du centre de mesure.

What leads to errors?
- Heat sources like control cabinets or lighting systems
- Air conditioning outlet in immediate proximity of the measuring device
- Body temperature: increase in temperature when touched and fluctuations depending on the number of people present.
- Temperature of the parts before measurement
- Draught through open windows and doors
- Computer
- Solar radiation
ZEISS TEMPAR creates a spatial temperature profile for you. This allows you to quickly and easily identify possible sources of error. You can quickly see from the profile whether, for example, the outlet of the air conditioning system or an open window is responsible for the temperature exceeding the limit value.
Overview of measurement environment
- Easy overview of the most important environmental information
- Detect weaknesses in the measurement environment
- Connectivity to other systems and global availability
- Knowledge build-up about environmental influences on your measuring process
Verifiable measurement process
- Documentation of environmental conditions according to VDI/VDE 2627
- Event logging of warnings and errors
- Checking stability of the environmental conditions
- Minimize complaints through certified environmental condition
Improvement of production processes
- Precise temperature information and high-quality measurements
- Detect errors and exclude negative influences on the measurement result
- Reduce rework and repeat measurements
- Long-term monitoring through history values and detection of long-term changes
Even on my first metrology seminar, the lecturer already told us that temperature has the greatest influence on the measurement result. That's why it's very important for me at a personal level that we absolutely master this parameter.
Marco Gravera, Head of Quality Assurance WITTENSTEIN
The right configuration for every application
Measurement tasks are performed in a wide variety of environments. The spatial quality as well as the measuring systems and applications themselves require certain accuracies for a precisely fitting monitoring. The portfolio is tailored to these different applications. In addition to the predefined standard packages, the system can be individually adapted to your needs.

For an easy start
The handy TEMPAR® disc sensors from TEMPAR go can be moved freely in space and give you a quick overview of the current environmental conditions.

With Mobile App
Keep the live display of environmental conditions always at hand.
Live display of the ambient temperature at the workplace. Selection of a suitable installation site for a measuring machine.
2–4 disc Temperature & Humidity Sensors
Mobile App ZEISS TEMPAR go for iOS
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

With LogicBox
Get the full overview through long-term data recording and a verifiable quality of the measuring room to auditors.Application
Selection of a suitable installation site for a measuring machine. Compliance with the machine specification in confined spaces or production halls.
8 disc Temperature & Humidity Sensors
Additional screen needed
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

With Console
View the recorded data at a glance on the dashboard and immediately identify problems with environmental conditions.Application
Supports the user on site and ensures that the specifications are met before and during the measurement.
8 disc Temperature & Humidity Sensors
Console with touch screen
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Flexible application with highest accuracy.
The requirements on the accuracy of the sensors increase with the precision of the machine and the grade of the room. For this purpose, you can connect our TEMPAR® sensors, which have been specially designed and calibrated for the application, to the system device - by cable or by radio. The packages can be easily expanded at any time.

If you want to develop a feeling for the environmental conditions.
Identification of measures to optimize easily accessible premises. Adherence to a certain measuring room class of a room.
4 TEMPAR temperature sensors
Additional screen needed
by cable or radio (TEMPAR STARTER Wireless)

BASIC Package
The basis for your safety when it comes to environmental conditionsApplication
Permanent certification of a new measuring room. Compliance with the machine specification in medium-sized, easily accessible rooms.
9 TEMPAR temperature sensor + humidity sensor
Console with touch screen
by cable or radio (TEMPAR BASIC Wireless)

For higher demands on the accuracy of the sensors.Application
Ensuring a suitable environment for high-precision measuring machine.
9 TEMPAR temperature sensor PRECISION + humidity sensor
Console with touch screen
by cable or radio (TEMPAR PRECISION Wireless)

MOBILE Package
For flexible applications, because mounting on mobile stands frees you from fixed locations.Application
Adherence to the machine specification for separated parts of a production hall.
8 TEMPAR temperatur sensors + humidity sensor + 4 mobile sensor stands
Console with touch screen
by cable or radio (TEMPAR MOBILE Wireless)
Alimentation solaire et sans fil
TEMPAR sans filTEMPAR sans fil offre les mêmes fonctionnalités et avantages que TEMPAR. Cependant, les capteurs ne sont plus connectés par câble, mais transmettent leurs données par radio à la console. Même un câble d'alimentation n'est plus nécessaire car les capteurs sont alimentés par l'énergie solaire. Cela rend les capteurs particulièrement flexibles et faciles à installer.