ZEISS Originals

ZEISS Originals

Built to be a legend. Performance for life.

To achieve reliable measurement results, companies do not necessarily have to purchase a new machine. Even used coordinate measuring machines can achieve outstanding performance if they have been tested and reconditioned according to strict criteria. This is exactly what ZEISS guarantees with the ZEISS Originals systems. At ZEISS you will find used machines with various functions and measuring ranges in the usual ZEISS quality.

  • Refurbished, used coordinate measuring machines in certified ZEISS quality
  • Guaranteed maintenance
  • Budget-friendly solution

Buy used coordinate measuring machines from ZEISS

Whether optical coordinate measuring machines or multi-probe coordinate measuring machines: Purchasing a new coordinate measuring machine can be expensive. For companies looking for high-quality coordinate measuring machines with maximum performance that are also budget-friendly, ZEISS offers the ideal and above all sustainable solution: used, refurbished measuring technology. ZEISS has been synonymous with excellent quality for over 175 years and is your reliable partner when it comes to quality assurance in your company. ZEISS has no less stringent quality requirements for its own extensively refurbished used machines – the ZEISS Originals.

Messmaschinen gebraucht kaufen bei ZEISS
Buy used coordinate measuring machines from ZEISS

Your advantages with ZEISS used machines

Certified coordinate measuring machines

ZEISS Originals give you the certainty that you can master your metrological challenges with a used coordinate measuring machine just as easily as with a new coordinate measuring machine. Because the ZEISS standard remains the same. With ZEISS Originals systems you get reliable measurement results and reduce your investment budget at the same time.

  • Technology update of hardware and software (current manufacturer status)
  • Replacement of all wear parts
  • Machine acceptance according to ISO standard
  • 12 months manufacturer’s warranty (like a new device)
  • Guaranteed spare parts availability of 6 to 10 years, depending on the model

Find the right used machine for your company now.

ZEISS coordinate measuring machines for long-lasting quality

ZEISS develops and builds durable coordinate measuring machines. The aim is to produce and supply systems with sustainability in mind that can be upgraded to the latest technology and software at any time. In this way, ZEISS enables all customers to use new machines for many years and constantly adapt them to new developments, as well as to integrate used machines into existing productions without having to compromise on current quality standards.

  • Certified ZEISS quality

    With refurbished systems, ZEISS offers you peace of mind that you’re investing in a solution with maximum precision without having to compromise on quality. Therefore, only used coordinate measuring machines that pass the strict quality control to which our new machines are subjected receive the ZEISS Originals certificate.

  • Guaranteed maintenance

    When you decide to buy a used coordinate measuring machine, you don’t have to compromise on the quality of the machine or on the warranty offered by ZEISS as manufacturer. The refurbished coordinate measuring machines are of course supplied with the usual ZEISS warranty.

  • Budget-friendly measurement technology

    What a ZEISS Originals system means for you: First-hand quality, even if you aren’t the first owner of the coordinate measuring machine. While workpieces can be precisely measured as usual at the highest level, you can save your budget if you buy a used coordinate measuring machine.

How the reconditioning of a used coordinate measuring machine works

  • After complete reconditioning, the used machine is thoroughly tested again according to ZEISS new machine specifications.


    When a used coordinate measuring machine arrives at the reconditioning center, the team of experts begins with the technical and mechanical inspection and analysis. This includes a precise check of all components of the used coordinate measuring machine and, of course, a functional test with various standardized test scenarios.

  • In the reconditioning phase, all parts of the coordinate measuring machine that showed defects or signs of wear during the inspection are replaced.

    Replacing components

    In the reconditioning phase, all parts of the coordinate measuring machine that showed defects or signs of wear during the inspection are replaced. These include, for example, drive motors, scales and various wear parts.

  • Not only the hardware, but also the measuring software of the used coordinate measuring machine gets an upgrade.

    Technology update

    Not only the hardware, but also the measuring software of the used coordinate measuring machine gets an upgrade. The system is upgraded to the latest technical standard. Which parts receive an update is defined before work begins (e.g. controller, probe, stylus, reference sphere, etc.).

  • However, optical defects are not uncommon in used measurement technology that has been in use in a company.

    Elimination of optical defects

    Coordinate measuring machines that have only served as demonstration machines often look immaculate. However, optical defects are not uncommon in used measurement technology that has been in use in a company. These are also rectified. This includes, for example, repairing the granite plate or renewing the cover.

  • After complete reconditioning, the used machine is thoroughly tested again according to ZEISS new machine specifications.

    Inspection and certification

    After complete reconditioning, the used machine is thoroughly tested again according to ZEISS new machine specifications. If the refurbished coordinate measuring machine passes the inspection, it is then certified. The warranty certificate is supplied with the machine.

  • Once the process is complete, the ZEISS Originals coordinate measuring machine is handed over to its new owner.

    Final acceptance

    Once the process is complete, the ZEISS Originals coordinate measuring machine is handed over to its new owner. The system is supplied with a 12-month manufacturer’s warranty and spare parts availability of 6 - 10 years (depending on the model).

Follow the journey of a used machine to a certified ZEISS original

Success Story

As good as new even in its second life: ZEISS Originals
As good as new even in its second life: ZEISS Originals

As good as new even in its second life: ZEISS Originals

Stecher Automation uses reconditioned used coordinate measuring machines from ZEISS, which are proving their worth across the board

Stecher Automation also integrates used ZEISS coordinate measuring machines into its autonomous metalworking cells. The refurbished ZEISS Originals systems are in no way inferior to new machines in terms of accuracy. For the Stecher Group, which sources its entire measurement technology ecosystem from ZEISS, this is a welcome additional opportunity to obtain certified ZEISS quality.

We can't see any difference in calibration and use compared to our new machines, so we can imagine using ZEISS Originals in the future without any reservations.

Carsten Einhart Quality Assurance Manager at Stecher Automation

ZEISS offers even more: The ZEISS Originals buyback program

Profitable machine exchange with the ZEISS Originals buyback program
Profitable machine exchange with the ZEISS Originals buyback program

Profitable machine exchange with the ZEISS Originals buyback program

In addition to the option of buying used coordinate measuring machines, ZEISS also offers customers the option of exchanging machines. If you already own a ZEISS coordinate measuring machine but need a new machine due to changing metrological challenges, exchanging your machine is a budget-friendly solution. ZEISS offers you the opportunity to exchange your existing coordinate measuring machine for a new one. The machine exchange process ensures that there is no gap in your measuring and testing workflow – the new coordinate measuring machine replaces the old one seamlessly. With the ZEISS Originals buyback program, you can keep your investment costs for a new machine lower without having to go without the latest technologies.

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